Maccaferri Gabions Inc. Environmental Solutions For Soil Erosion Control

Slope Reinforcement with Terram ParaGrid

The main port of Taiwan is at Keelung near the capital, Taipei. The countryside is generally hilly and there is a shortage of flat land for the storage of containers. Flat areas are now being created by filling valleys which can be accessed at the top end. The valleys are filled in a series of steps supported by large reinforced soil slopes.

These nearly vertical slopes, some up to 32m high, are being constructed using Terram Ltd's Paragrid geogrid materials. These geogrids have been used extensively in Taiwan over the last 10 years and are used because of their high strength and long term load carrying and durability characteristics. They are robust materials which easily withstand the exacting procedures of local construction methods while lending themselves readily to the need to enable vegetation to grow rapidly and permanently. They are unaffected by aggressive chemical and biological agencies sometimes found in soil or by exposure to sunlight at the slope face before the vegetation takes firm root. The slopes are designed to withstand the heavy loads imposed by stacked containers and are particularly suitable for use in seismic locations.