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(9 inch)ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESSESALLOWABLE WATER VELOCITIES!MACCAFERRI PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS,GABIONS (wire mesh baskets filled with rock) *GABIONMAT (wire mesh baskets in roll form) 4SACK GABIONS (wire mesh baskets in cylindrical form) -RENO MATTRESS (wire mesh basket in flat form) 2GREEN TERRAMESH (PVC wire mesh soil reinforcement) 3TERRAMESH SYSTEM (PVC wire mesh soil reinforcement) "ROCKFALL NETTING (wire mesh rolls) .FLEXMAC (wire mesh cells for soil confinement) *MACTEX (non-woven and woven filter fabric) .ROADMESH (wire mesh for asphalt paving reinf.) %MACMAT-R (Turf Reinforcement Matting) 8BIOMAC (Erosion Control Blankets - straw/coconut fibers) WATERLOGS (coir logs) =PARAGRID (uniaxial polyester geogrids for soil reinforcement) =PARALINK (uniaxial polyester geogrids for soil reinforcement) ?TERRAMGRID (bi-axial polyester geogrids for soil reinforcement) 1SARMAC (mattresses for underwater pipeline prot.) SPENAX (fastening tool) Typical properties of Soils Group SymbolPI (%)Friction (degrees)Bearing Capacity (CBR)Permeability (cm/sec) DescriptionGW---38-5540-80Well graded gravels, no finesGP37-5030-60Poorly graded gravels, no finesGM34-4520-60 Silty gravelsGC31-4020-40Clayey gravelsSW35-38Well graded sands, no finesSP10-40Poorly graded sands, no finesSM< 432-35200-300 Silty sandsSC> 730-33400-45005-20 Clayey sandsML4-727-32150-200<15Silty fine sands; clayey siltsCL23-27250-300.Inorganic silts of low plasticity; silty claysOL0-20<5Organic silty clays and siltsMH0-6020-25<10Inorganic siltsCH17-20"Inorganic clays of high plasticityOH*Organic clays of medium to high plasticityCohesion (lbs/ft2) 1 x 10-61 x 10-71 x 10-51 x 10-81 x 10-9BasaltGraniteHard Limestone Trachytes SandstoneSoft LimestoneTuff Type of RockType of fillingType of gradingAngularity of the rock )by hand (low "n") / mechanical (high "n")*uniform (low "n") / non uniform (high "n")HThe index of voids in a gabion structure (n = 0.25 to 0.40) depends on :1river shingles (low "n") / quarry rock (high "n")gstone (lbs/ft3)  gstone (kN/m3)  ?Unit weight of suitable rock for Gabions and/or Reno mattressesJThe unit weight of a Gabion or Reno mattress is : ggabion = gstone (1 - n)239<=BMaterial safety factors were considered for each product and condition in relation to the different failure propagations observed^MACMAT UNREINF. AND REINFORCED - ALLOWABLE STRESSES FOR DESIGN USE (VEGETATED AND UNVEGETATED)/ROUGHNESS VALUES FOR NATURAL STREAMS (US units)ZThe roughnesses are obtained from the original values shown in  Open Channel Hydraulics J(Ven Te Chow, 1959), divided by the conversion factor SI-US equal to 1.486B iC D@r`D_D"aE1r.FmZFF1GpH&eIg@J&CM N WOZ O PA P RIS\UU?V~(ЊVV/=@*    I ks  dMbP?_*+%hMHP DeskJet 1000C Printer5 od,,HP DeskJet 1000C PrinterHP-1000 ,,"d,,??U} n}  n} n} n} n} 2P} $ PhT08bmhbhbhhbb    h h ijjjjjk l l l l l l m n o n o n~ n@ P n o n o n~ n@ P n o n o n n P n o n o n n P n o n o nnMbP? P n o n o pnMbP? 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