WIRAND® Steel Fibers  



WIRAND® steel fibers have been produced by Maccaferri for more than 25 years. WIRAND® fibers are manufactureed with low carbon steel wire with high tensile strength resistance.

Introducing WIRAND® steel fibers into the concrete mix provides new mechanical properties. We now have a new material, with improved mechanical properties that can enhance structural applications. The fibers can be included as a substitute for the common steel reinforcement, or as a complement, or for a better performance for strain that the common reinforce can't absorb.

In mechanical and performance terms, by adding WIRAND® steel fibers to the concrete mix you can:

  • Increase and get a stable of tensile strength under flexion load, which produces a ductile behavior.
  • Increase impact resistance.
  • Increase cyclic loads of resistance (fatigue effect).
  • Increase prevention of the plastic shrinkage crack.
  • Increase the concrete performance against thermal variations.
  • Get minor permeability.

WIRAND® fibers reinforce concrete products with high labor time savings. The shape, the geometric configuration and the tensile strength of the fibers are important issues to guarantee a great adhesion between the fibers, the concrete paste and the aggregates.

The use of WIRAND® fibers in applications such as tunneling, industrial flooring, airport pavements, precast and pre compressed concrete represents an optimal and economical and technical solution.

For other general structural solutions, WIRAND® fibers are an excellent complement to control effects that common rebar reinforced can absorb, producing a new material normally called High Performance Concrete.

WIRAND® steel fibers are easy to add into the concrete mix without any problems. They are specially designed to be added with the aggregate gradation of the mix.

WIRAND® steel fibers come in carton boxes of 44 lb (20 kg) for easy handling, or in large bags (1300 – 2000 lb) to use with our dosage machine services.

To download technical data sheets or request design information, please go to documents.

 WIRAND® Steel Fibers
 WIRAND® Steel Fibers Carton Box
 44 lb (20 kg)
 WIRAND® Steel Fibers Big Bags
 1300 – 2000 lb (900-950 kg)


United States of America

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